lady smiling and working in front of black wall

By Integrated Institute of Nutrition

Many people spend days, weeks, months, years, and even decades in careers that are diametrically opposed to who they are as spiritual beings. When Integrative Nutrition Health Coaches find alignment in their careers, spirituality, health, and relationships, they can authentically help clients do the same. It’s all about finding work you love or learning to love the work you do. You don’t have to leave your 9-to-5 job in order to have a fulfilling health coaching career – there are always ways to find gratification whether you’re coaching full-time or part-time.

man outdoors with a book and messenger bag

Find The Work You Love

What are your passions?

  • Make a list of your inherent strengths and interests and how they could translate to an inspiring career. Get creative!

  • Research the career options you’ve narrowed down. Gather information about the paths you’re considering and how they could influence and shape your long-term goals.

  • Reach out to professionals working in your field – people who can give you information, support, and/or guidance.

  • Join professional organizations or attend social events to create authentic connections and make yourself visible as an expert in your field.

  • Contact prospective employers to learn about potential career opportunities. Be professional and enthusiastic and remember that even if a company isn’t hiring, it’s never a bad idea to pass your resume along.

  • Be patient – finding a new career that you love may take time. You might try a few positions before finding an ideal fit.

Group of people working together

Whatever it is, you can shift the way you do it so it’s more enjoyable.

Request to work on projects that interest you. Express the areas you’re passionate about to your employer or supervisor – it’s often the same area you’ll produce the best results in!

  • Surround yourself with peers and colleagues who support your work.

  • Accept constructive feedback and work toward improving your weak points.

  • Stay motivated by giving yourself small rewards for accomplishing goals – short massages, long walks, body brushing – think primary food.

  • Make your office environment more attractive – add fresh flowers to your desk, invest in a comfortable chair, hang motivating quotes and pictures on the walls, etc.

  • If it’s time to transition to another position or company, make sure you continue doing work you love. Seek fresh opportunities that satisfy your desires and always maintain business relationships with previous employers.

Want to explore this further and work with a coach?

If you are interested in becoming a Health and Wellness Coach the link below will take you to the Institute of Integrated Nutrition to se about the program. Learn more about Rooted In Sound Wellness Coaching options

Learn more about IIN


Small Steps To Health & Happiness
